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Cannascopes: September 2020

ARIES: Mac 1

The wait is over. Seems like your patience will be paying off -- in triumphant ways. Just make sure to look diligently over details if committing to anything.

TAURUS: Mimosa

Spending some time alone will have you reflecting on things that will ignite you into pursuing what your heart has been desiring.

GEMINI: Acapulco Gold

You have definitely had to overcome some rough patches. To find stability, the Universe is calling on your creativity to alter your life a bit from the usual routines.

CANCER: Paradise Waits

What's been going on at home, my loves? As long as you approach things / people with love & hope, your foundation will strengthen up again.

LEO: Master Yoda

If you have been having doubts about triumphs in any area of your life, get rid of any conflict and hang in there just a little bit longer.

VIRGO: Snowland

Happy Birthday, My Analytical Planners. Many of you have definitely been contemplating relationship moves. Go for it if you have weighed things out well.

LIBRA: Shaman

You have been suffering in silence for far too long. Please stay positive when making those moves you should've already done by now. New moves lead to new beginnings.

SCORPIO: Red Congolese

It is time for you to stand your ground, especially if you have found yourself giving in to things that you normally would not. Take that leap, make a decision and stick to it.


There are some truths that have you trapped in fear. You have to do introspective work in order to conquer those pesky, reoccurring obstacles.


The only way to get out of that mental conflict is to journalize & organize your thoughts and actions. Once you do, you won't be stuck on your decision any longer.

AQUARIUS: Dream Queen

You desire to regain stability. You may have to face that emotional loss you experienced, no matter how difficult it may be. It will rejuvenate your soul

PISCES: Charlotte's Web

Things seem to be creeping out of the woodwork. Don't fret & let them surface. They have to. Just please stay afloat & dominate those rough waters, my fishies.


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